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Beth Fairchild offers comprehensive consulting services for oncology and lifestyle related media productions and event management. No matter if you need to host a fundraiser or retreat, or you're in need of VO, video, photography, or editing services, Beth can offer you the best representation in the oncology community. She has a reputation for creative approaches and achieving exceptional results where others fall short. As a professional who is also a patient, Beth will bring a unique perspective to your project.


The Serenity Campaign

#Elements Project

Beneath The Breast Coming Soon

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Media & Press

It’s always good to hear when MBC makes the news. Scroll down to read some of the recent publications, listen to podcasts, and view online interviews.

‘Like a dream’: Mom with metastatic breast cancer on outliving her prognosis

How Does UC Impact Patients Lives

Hero Talk Ep. 11 w/ Beth Fairchild

Archived Media

Links Coming Soon

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